Michelle Moreno

God loves you & I love you too!

Romans 8:28 NKJV – And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

“And we know that all things work together for good”, who’s good?

When me and my then husband were in a car accident that left me in a coma for over 17 days, and rehab for another month and a half...........HIS GOOD.

When our then 12-year-old son, got diagnosed with stage 3 Non-Hodgkins Lyphoma.........HIS GOOD.

When our then 13-year-old daughter got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes...............HIS GOOD.

When my role-model, my God-fearing daddy, was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate and bone cancer, and God later called him home, leaving me feeling alone and lost. ...........HIS GOOD.

Or perhaps it was the moments and days I spent caring for both my parents that I became blind to see my husband of 23 years had developed an intimate relationship, mentally and physically with another woman, wishing he could see how much I loved and longed for him. .............HIS GOOD.

The “single” mother status........HIS GOOD.

The “divorced” status............HIS GOOD.

Or maybe, just maybe, it was the moment I discovered I had a leak under my house that I could not repair, that left me without accessible water for 3 months and 3 days (you count the days when you hope for breakthroughs)...........HIS GOOD.

** With tears in my eyes I say this: it’s easy to disregard the callous, cruel, rough, ruthless, tough and troubled experiences we face, but God works the good and the bad for His glory. If He allows it, you can trust He will go through the furnace with you. He will walk with you. He will stand by you. He will NOT leave you.

Isaiah 40:31 NIV – but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

God Bless, Michelle Moreno